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Certification Maintenance Program (CMP)

RID logo of a black circle with RID in the center and Certification Maintenance Program Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, INC in a white border around the circle   ACET logo in black bold letters with an arrow on either side and Associate Continuting Education Tracking in letter below

Welcome to PCRID CMP Sponsor page. The RID Certification Maintenance Program was established to ensure our certifications retain value and guarantee quality with members who stay current on the latest theories, strategies, and techniques.  RID has a limited number of staff members who process CEUs, therefore they rely on sponsors across the country to process CEU activities. At PCRID, our CMP sponsors are interpreters just like you, and they work on an entirely volunteer basis. RID has a robust set of guidelines that govern the acceptance and processing of CEUs. As such, we are subject to regular audits ensuring we are in compliance and maintain excellence with our sponsorship. 

CEU Processing Member Benefit

Individual PCRID members receive FREE CEU processing for independent studies, academic coursework, and PINRAs as part of their membership benefits. Join us today!

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