(Link to Transcript)
Visual Description: Shannon, a black woman, is wearing a green long sleeved shirt, glasses, earrings, and her hair in a loose fro. She signs in front of a blue backdrop.
Visual Description: Shannon, a black woman, is wearing a black long sleeved shirt, glasses, earrings, and twists in her hair. She signs in front of a dark blue wall covered in green vines.
View Transcript
(View Transcript)
Visual Description: Shannon, a black woman, is wearing a dark grey turtle neck sweater, large gold, square earings, and her poofy hair. She signs in front of a dark blue background
Shannon, a black woman, is wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt, glasses, purple lipstick, and her hair is out in a fro. She's sitting in front of a blue wall drapped in green vines and signing into the camera. You can see a painting of a girl's hair behind her.
[Visual Description: Shannon, a black woman, is wearing a black polo shirt, gray blazer, glasses, and her hair is pulled back. She's sitting in front of a blue wall drapped in green vines and signing into the camera].
[View Transcript]
Edit: All Bylaw amendment requests are due to the Board by 9/30/22 at 11:59 PM ET. Late submissions may not be considered.
[Visual Description: Shannon, a black woman, is wearing a green shirt, green plaid blazer, glasses, a nose ring, and her hair is pulled up into two buns. She's sitting in front of a blue wall drapped in green vines and signing into the camera.]
This year marks the end of term for all but ONE of our board members! This means we've got a lot of spots to fill. Join a quick, 30 min info session to learn more about what being on the board is like, the benefits of serving, and ask any lingering questions you may have directly to the board!
Info Session Dates:
Register for an Info Session
[Read Descriptions of Open Positions]
Can't make it to a scheduled info session? Email Shannon Morrison at shannonm@pc-rid.org to schedule a one-on-one.
[Visual Description: Shannon, a black woman, is wearing a black t-shirt, glasses, a nose rignt, and her twists are pulled back with a black scarf. She's sitting in front of a video of the northern lights and signing into the camera.]
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