Potomac Chapterof the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf |
Registration Pricing
Register Now!*Members, be sure to log in with your PCRID membership email to get the discounted price. Visit the Virtual Exhibit Hall! | Sponsors: Invest in Your CommunityMake a donation to the PCRID 2020 Annual Conference & impact the interpreting community! Members: Sponsor an individual mentee to attend the conference!
Make a DonationApply to receive an Individual Sponsorship to attend the PCRID Conference. (First come, first served) *Update 11/30/2020: We are not currently accepting further applications unless there are more donations. |
DECEMBER 5 (SATURDAY)9 A - 12 P TED Talk Style Presentations Share The Method .3 CEUs 12 P - 1 P Break 1 P - 4 P Concurrent Workshops Share The Journey .3 CEUs | DECEMBER 6 (SUNDAY)11:30 A - 1:30 P Business Meeting Voter Check-in PCRID Annual Business Meeting Hosted by the PCRID Board 1:30 P - 2 P Break 2 P - 5 P Panel on Mentoring Share The Ideas .3 CEUs |
Conference Attendees: Please download the Zoom instruction guide created by our Conference Team in order to better understand the Zoom platform. If you have any questions, please email our Tech Support Team at sharetheknowledge@pc-rid.org with the subject line "Tech Support" and one of our volunteers will be in touch!
Reasonable AccommodationsPCRID believes in making Share the Knowledge accessible. Share the Knowledge will be presented in American Sign Language (ASL) on a virtual platform, Zoom. Each of our presenters have been given clear instructions on how to dress and maintain a clear background while presenting on Zoom. If you have any questions or a request for reasonable accommodations, please contact sharetheknowledge@pc-rid.org with the subject line “Reasonable Accommodation Request” and our Team will be in touch. Non-discriminatory StatementPCRID believes in providing a safe learning environment for all participants. We do not allow for discriminatory behavior. Should you be a witness or experience discriminatory behavior while attending Share the Knowledge, please email President Traci Ison at president@pc-rid.org or Vice President Antonio Burkett at communications@pc-rid.org. Refund and Cancellation PolicyThe PCRID Conference Cancellation and Refund Policy will be as follows to assure consistency and is applicable to the annual PCRID conference:
CONFERENCE FEEDBACK SURVEYPlease use the following link to share any feedback or comments you may have about your experience attending PCRID's 2020 Conference: Share the Knowledge. This anonymous feedback will be used by the conference team to improve future PCRID conferences. |
Be the PCRID 2020 Annual Conference Official Sponsor!
| $1000 DonationBe Acknowledged as a PCRID Conference Donor:
| $500 DonationBe Acknowledged as a PCRID Conference Donor:
| Other SponsorshipMonetary Donations $200 - $500 from Individual Members, Deaf Businesses, & Micro Businesses