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Sponsor-Initiated activities (Workshops)

NEW Workshop Request Form

Definition of Sponsor-Initiated Activities

Sponsor Initiated Activities are developed by a Sponsor and presented for group instruction or for individual study. Examples include short courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, teleconferences, and distance learning (e.g. continuing education publications, teleconferences, multimedia instruction materials, and programmed learning materials). (RID Standards and Criteria, p. 15)

Program Content and Delivery

The Sponsor shall provide appropriate continuing education activities that meet the following requirements: 

  • The Sponsor shall formulate plans for advanced continuing education activities suitable for certified interpreters.
  • The educational content shall follow the stated objectives of the continuing education activity.
  • The continuing education activity shall be of sufficient duration to achieve the stated educational objectives. 
  • The content of the continuing education activity shall be designed to explore one subject or a group of closely related subjects. If the activity involves multiple components, such as in a lecture series, all segments should be devoted to integrally related subjects. 
  • The audiovisual aids and supportive materials shall be current, suitable and appropriate. 
  • The method of delivery should allow for and encourage active involvement on the part of the participant, feedback, and reinforcement of the learned knowledge or skill. 
  • The Sponsor shall verify that members of the teaching staff of all continuing education activities are qualified (credentials, training, experience and expertise in the subject matter to be presented). 
  • All activities shall strive to be sensitive, equitable, and inclusive of RID members and others with respect to their individual differences, including, but not limited to, age, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, disability, and sexual orientation. (RID Standards and Criteria, p. 19)

Determining Knowledge Level of Activities

What is the least amount of prior knowledge participants should have in the topic to benefit from attending? Content knowledge is not associated with years of general interpreting experience. (RID Standards and Criteria, p. 23)

Little/NO: This level assumes little or no information on the part of the participant within the topic area. The focus of the activity is a general orientation and increase of understanding. This category also includes activities that assume the audience to have diverse levels of knowledge due to the nature of the event.

Some: This level assumes the participant has some familiarity with professional practice within the topic covered. The general focus of the activity is to increase understanding and possibilities for application on the part of the participant. 

Extensive: This level assumes the participant has extensive familiarity with the professional practice within the topic covered. The focus of the activity is upon recent advances, future directions and applications of new and emerging findings. 

Teaching: This level assumes the participants to be educators or mentors. At this instructional level, the content of the CEU activity will focus on topics relevant to educators and mentors to support the development of new and experienced interpreters.

(RID Standards and Criteria, p.23)

Promotion of Sponsor Initiated Activities

All promotional materials as well as complete continuing education activities provided through the Internet or via a distance must comply with access guidelines identified through Section 508, of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. 

Promotional materials must include the following: 

  • Logistical information about the educational event
  • The RID CMP and ACET logo (visit
  • The following paragraph: PCRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for continuing education activities. This [Content Area] program is offered for [#] CEUs at the [Knowledge Level] Content Knowledge Level. 
  • A description of the event including information about the educational objectives of the activity.
  • Biographical information about the presenters indicating their experience with the topic. 
  • Information about the refund and cancellation policy of the Sponsor. It is acceptable to print a link or Internet address identifying contact information, applicable registration policies, and all other registration information rather than the entire policy. 
  • The target audience
  • A statement soliciting requests for reasonable accommodations from potential participants. 
  • A statement identifying the Sponsor’s policies on non-discrimination and the promotion of learning environments of mutual respect that minimize or eliminate bias. NOTE: this statement does not preclude “difficult conversations” and aims to create environments where learning and honest dialogue can happen. (RID Standards and Criteria, p. 20)

Pre-Workshop Checklist

At least 45 days before the workshop, submit all materials through the Workshop Request Form

  • Verification of workshop processing fee 
  • Activity information 
  • Number of CEUs and content area
  • Knowledge level required
  • Presenter name(s) and bio(s)
  • Activity content descriptions
  • Promotional materials
  • Participant Evaluation Form - Attendees must be given the opportunity to evaluate a workshop after it is complete. Submit a copy of the evaluation form distributed to attendees, or use RID's standard evaluation formHere is a sample of  PCRID's online evaluation form.

Post-Workshop Checklist

Within 10 days after the workshop, submit all materials below to

  • PCRID's electronic Activity Report Form is a compilation of completed workshop and participant information.  
  • The Evaluation Summary is a tally and summary of participant evaluations must be provided on this form. 
  • Any additional instructional materials used during the activity 
  • Attendee Certificates of Completion (provided by PCRID) 

Processing Fees  

Pay to Process CEUs

ID - grid representing information below: 

Individual PCRID Members

PCRID offers workshop CEU processing to individual PCRID Members for $31. For repeat workshops hosted within a 12-month period, the processing fee is $10. (Become an Individual Member)

Organizational Members

PCRID offers workshop processing to PCRID Organizational Members for just $35, and repeats are only $16 each within the calendar year if the workshop happens again within a 12-month period. (Become an Organizational Member)


The cost is $50 for CEU processing for Non-members hosting a workshop. 

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