[Video Description: Shannon stands outside in front of her house signing into the camera. She’s wearing a gray sweater, glasses, and her natural shoulder-length hair. She stands in front of her green house and a window while the sun is shining.]
- CASLI Exam Update: https://rid.us7.list-manage.com/track...
- MDIL website: http://tiny.cc/mdil
Hi, I’m Shannon Morrison with PCRID as the Special Project Coordinator. Today I wanted to share with you some news and updates relevant to our communities and to you our membership.
Of the three announcements, our first is related to CASLI and the interpreter certification exam. You may have already seen, but CASLI will soon be retiring the “old” NIC performance exam for hearing interpreters. Meaning as of May 18, 2022, CASLI will no longer be offering the RID-developed NIC performance exam and will begin offering the new CASLI-developed certification performance exam. To clarify, CASLI has not announced the exact date the new exam will be released but has stated the new exam will be offered “some time after the RID exam is retired on May 18th”. More information can be found on CASLI’s website at the link below where they have published a letter sharing more details.
Next update is about MDIL–the Maryland Interpreter Licensure bill. The MDIL team has been working hard to pass interpreter licensure in the state of Maryland for a while. The bill did not pass during the recent legislative session but the MDIL team is committed to meeting with senators and political candidates to explain the bill and educate them on how the bill will affect deaf, hearing and interpreter communities. Over the summer, they will also host virtual and in-person town halls for deaf community members, interpreters and all stakeholders with the purpose of explaining the bill and its impacts on our working and everyday lives.
Lastly, PCRID wants to congratulate all the soon-to-be interpreter training program graduates out there from CCBC, Gallaudet, NOVA and FCC. You’ve worked hard to get here and graduation is finally around the corner. Congratulations! PCRID recognizes you and wishes you all well wishes.
Thanks and that’s all!